Exhibitions in December 2022 not to be missed from Brussels to Spoleto
The month of December is an opportunity to visit contemporary art exhibitions in Brussels and Spoleto. These are all opportunities to think about evolution and the relationship between man and nature. These are the events not to be missed.
Spoleto Meeting Art (SMA) at the headquarters of the Abruzzo Region in Brussels in Avenue Louise 210 the entire cultural project was presented in May 2022, with Giovani Europeani Magazine Speciale Bruxelles, study, institutional relations, culture and art to establish a strong twinning between Spoleto and L'Aquila, but also between Umbria and Abruzzo in a totally European context with Luca Filipponi, president of Menotti Art Festival Spoleto, with Umberto Giammaria's Tau Foundation and the Auge Academy and with the contemporary art exhibition that will remain in Brussels in the same venue until May 2023. These are the artists exhibiting at SMA Brussels: Lorenza Altamore, Paola Bradamante, Silvio Craia, Patrizia Dalla Valle, Valerio Giuffrè, Mario Guarino, Mario Lo Coco, Andrea Natale, Federica Rampazzo, Adriano Sambri. A collective exhibition sui generis, in which selected works converge under the artistic direction and curation of Paola Biadetti who was able to bring together works with different physiognomies but which, by points in common, by assonance or by opposition, attract each other, and create a dialogue (so dear to the sma).
The exhibition SMA Natale, curated by Luca Filipponi and Paola Biadetti, is on display until 2 January 2023 at the Caffè Letterario del Sansi gallery, in Via Salara Vecchia in Spoleto in the heart of Spoleto. On 18 December 2022 at 4 pm the artists exhibiting will be presented with the critique by Prof. Enzo dall'Ara: Lorenza Altamore, Paola Biadetti, Silvio Craia, Patrizia Dalla Valle, Rosanna Della Valle, Antonella Lauria, Mario Lo Coco, Manoel De Souza Lupercio, Marcello Marzulli, Omar Olano, Tony Raggetti, Sonia Salsi, Luciano Vetturini "Nino", with the presentation of the latest book by journalist Carlo Bravetti "Neve Nera". The exhibition itinerary brings together the work of international artists and includes works that bring the viewer closer to very different themes and research.