testata giornalistica diretta dal Prof. Luca Filipponi
Data di Pubblicazione: 09-06-2011
Data di Scadenza: 00-00-0000
Data di Pubblicazione: 06-06-2011
Data di Scadenza: 00-00-0000
Data di Pubblicazione: 06-06-2011
Data di Scadenza: 00-00-0000
Data di Pubblicazione: 13-05-2011
Data di Scadenza: 00-00-0000
Data di Pubblicazione: 13-03-2009
Data di Scadenza: 31-05-2009
Data di Pubblicazione: 06-04-2008
Data di Scadenza: 00-00-0000

Premio Comunicare Eu-Roma-20-01-2020
Gran Sasso Science Institute

The award ceremony to communicate Europe 2020 will take place on February 6, 2020 in Rome at Palazzo Ferrajoli, and among the winners there is the awarding to Dr. Paolo Esposito general director (newly nominated) of the Gran Sasso Science Institute. In 2012 he was appointed by the Italian government to lead the Special Office for the Reconstruction of Municipalities of the Crater (USRC), a position he held for the following six years and in the last year director of personnel for the pharmaceutical company Dompé. The Communicating Europe Award was born in 2009 as a natural continuation of previous Community paths and projects on which the EU institutions had invested heavily. So, in this sense, this Award tells a part of the history of the European Union and with this celebration and award ceremony we want to make people speak and highlight people who have positively worked for the world of culture, social and institutions as far as they did in work activities or passed on to others. This event pro-actively every year aims to open and face a debate on the theme of culture and Europe, a debate in which Prize winners, ex Prize winners, Journalists, Media and Institutions manage to act, compare and tell their stories of life and sociability in a Europe aware and open to the world.

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Europanews Periodico di informazione online della testata giornalisitica Giovani europei
iscritta presso il Tribunale di Spoleto reg. n°91 rilasciata il 25/03/1997
Direttore responsabile - Prof. Luca Filipponi medialuxnet@gmail.com Direttore - Prof. Marcello Bemporad
In redazione - Angelica Mariotti, Elisabetta Placanica, Riccardo Luccioli - e-mail: medialuxnet@gmail.com
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