the art expression of the most profound thought in the simplest way Which destination could be more suitable for a trip, to learn more about the work of significant artists in the contemporary Italian art scene, if not the city of the European Parliament ?! SpoletoMeetingArt Brussels, brings an increasingly wider audience to the world of contemporary art and is scheduled from 12 December 2019 to 31 March 2020 at the headquarters of the Abruzzo Region in Avenue Louise, 210 Brussels with the inauguration on 12 December 2019 and the presentation of Giovani Europei Magazine n ° 55 Special Art and Culture Brussels, whose cover was signed by the artist Laura D'andrea with the work "sun storm on the carribi". The artistic, cultural event, sponsored by Spoleto Festival Art, Menotti Art Festival, TAU Foundation, Abruzzo Region, AUGE etc., is under the artistic direction of Paola Biadetti and the presidency of Prof. Luca Filipponi, will occupy the spaces of Abruzzo Region "Abbruzzelles" dialoguing with them and proposing different readings of the exhibition context and the works of these Italian artists. The choice fell on artists whose work expresses an original point of view in the language that distinguishes their work: the Silvio Amato (author of the works of the Thomas Shippers Award 2019), the dreamlike and surreal painting of Bellanca Morena and, “like a renewed vision of classicism "the installation by D'Andrea Laura, the sculpture that challenges the physical laws of D'Aniello Pasquale, and" the Art to look at the soul "by Dogliani Silvia, the hyper-realism of the American artist Edward Evans , the thought beyond the photographic shooting of Filomena Adele, Jan Jansen Geert author of the poster dedicated to Menotti Art Festival 2020, the abstract painting by the Ligurian artist Ludi Lorenzo, and the metaphysical work of Natale Andrea, the bas-reliefs for Europe of Orsolini Maurizio and the metaphorical painting of Pappone Leonardo. Visiting this art exhibition also means traveling through time and space with a single purpose: the pleasure