Arte,Cultura,Musica-Spoleto Ex Monte di Pietà-01-04-2019
The “Maestri a Confronto” exhibition was presented Saturday at 4 pm by Paola Biadetti, the consolidated and highly successful format of the Menotti Art Festival Spoleto which brought this Kermesse to the 2019 Venice Biennale (presentation 11 May 2019) .The exhibition event in which four artists were compared was presented by Prof. Luca Filipponi with the critical introduction by Prof. Pasquale Lettieri. Through these artists, the Menotti Art Festival is putting on rehearsals for the great September Kermesse that this year will surpass the hundred exhibition spaces, thanks to the contribution of new private partners. The exhibition will remain open until April 14th (10 am-1pm 16-19 closing on Monday) and sees over 50 works by esteemed and well-known artists: the Sevastì Iallussi of Lazio, already awarded several times in the "Spoleto Art Festival Award", the Artist Ligurian Lorenzo Ludi of whom all the major national and international media have spoken in the last year and who has been invited to the Venice Biennale for a personal exhibition;
the Abruzzese artist Giuseppe Tanzi promoted and presented by the TAU foundation chaired by Dott.Umberto Giammaria; the eclectic Lazio artist Gabriella Sernesi, who works with works ranging from figurative to informal up to author's books and Essai book covers.
At the artistic event there was the extraordinary presence of Dr. Valerio Giuffrè, the Roman doctor, artist and philosopher who never ceases to talk about his innovative and revolutionary philosophical and literary ideas, and could not miss the presence of the Artistic Director by Menotti Art Festival Spoleto Musica the soprano Tania di Giorgio who on this occasion announced the great events of September and performed in a particular musical performance. Prof. Luca Filipponi, President of the Menotti Cultural Foundation, was satisfied with the outcome of the event. Art Festival Spoleto: << It is interesting that this Kermesse already sold out for September from 26 to 30 is called by many International Festivals to be hosted and by
many other Foundations and Public and Private Organizations receive noteworthy certificates of merit and esteem. In this sense we are working on a Festival of the Three Worlds that brings together the cultures of Europe, America and China >>. Numerous journalistic reports were made for the event, including that of the journalist Tiziana Olivelli of Radio Studio Erre, a service that will represent an interesting base for the advertising and representation of the Kermesse in Italy and in the world.