testata giornalistica diretta dal Prof. Luca Filipponi
Data di Pubblicazione: 09-06-2011
Data di Scadenza: 00-00-0000
Data di Pubblicazione: 06-06-2011
Data di Scadenza: 00-00-0000
Data di Pubblicazione: 06-06-2011
Data di Scadenza: 00-00-0000
Data di Pubblicazione: 13-05-2011
Data di Scadenza: 00-00-0000
Data di Pubblicazione: 13-03-2009
Data di Scadenza: 31-05-2009
Data di Pubblicazione: 06-04-2008
Data di Scadenza: 00-00-0000

Premio Comunicare l'Europa

Another round, another stage and other important successes for the Menotti Art Festival Spoleto (from 27 to 30 September 2019) with the presence at the most authoritative and prestigious kermesse of contemporary art in the world: the Venice Biennale that will be officially inaugurated in early May of 2019. The Spoletina event will have the artistic management of an important Venetian historical villa of the xix century for a duration of 4 months and the presence of thirty international artists. The Spoleto Meeting Art Venice Biennale project will be curated by the artistic direction of Paola Biadetti, but the Menotti Art Festival Spoleto will also be featured in other important cultural containers of the Venice Biennale, such as the one with the Egyptian Academy and the Egyptian pavilion of the Biennale and with the Chinese Pavilion, in addition to editing for the entire event a Special European Youth Magazine Biennale di Venezia. I can not but be satisfied and happy for the great success that we are enjoying at all levels in this 2019 and stay here in the Chamber of Deputies to celebrate the binomial art-europe and a sort of real prize to all of us who already 11 years Now we started talking about Europe in a different way, certainly opening up a vision of a new and revolutionary Europe, first and foremost in advance. We are waiting for you in Rome to all the award-winning, award-winning, artists and lovers of the art of culture and of Europe.

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Europanews Periodico di informazione online della testata giornalisitica Giovani europei
iscritta presso il Tribunale di Spoleto reg. n°91 rilasciata il 25/03/1997
Direttore responsabile - Prof. Luca Filipponi medialuxnet@gmail.com Direttore - Prof. Marcello Bemporad
In redazione - Angelica Mariotti, Elisabetta Placanica, Riccardo Luccioli - e-mail: medialuxnet@gmail.com
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